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Peter Berthoud
Sep 26, 2022
The Air-Photo Atlas of London of 1949
In 1949 Phoenix House Ltd. published their Air-Photo Atlas of London. The aerial maps provide a "street guide from the air" to post-war...
Peter Berthoud
Sep 26, 2022
Air-Photo Atlas of 1949 - Index and Introductory Notes
This is the index to the 1949, Phoenix House Ltd., Air-Photo Atlas of London. For the complete set of maps & images from the atlas please...
Peter Berthoud
Aug 10, 2022
Postcards of London Life in 1950 by Charles Skilton
A celebrated series of postcards depicting London Life by renowned publisher Charles Skilton crop up regularly on eBay and the like. The...
Peter Berthoud
Mar 22, 2022
The London Post - A New Game, Jaques & Son,102, Hatton Garden. Published c. 1870
The London Post is a set collecting card game, published by Jaques & Son, Hatton Green London c 1870
64 Cards,
Peter Berthoud
Mar 20, 2022
The RMS Queen Mary in Trafalgar Square, Jig-Saw Puzzle
The jigsaw was manufactured for Cunard White Star Limited by The Chad Valley Co. Ltd., Harbourne, England, 1936.
Peter Berthoud
Mar 10, 2022
LOBO - A 90 Year Old Card Game Based on the London Underground
Lobo, the London Underground themed card game was published by Thomas De La Rue in 1932. LOBO is the first game I know of based on the...
Peter Berthoud
Apr 7, 2018
High Suspense in Mayfair
This is what being a telephone engineer involved in 1930s London. Twice a year the steel wires which support London's telephone cables -...
Peter Berthoud
Mar 7, 2018
Golf and Guns: London's Rooftop Playground in the 1930s
High above London, men and women were at play in 1938. Back then one could shoot guns and play golf on a rooftop. Here are some...
Peter Berthoud
Feb 17, 2018
Hyde Park: Shepherd and His Sheep
In the 1920s and 30s a Scottish shepherd grazed his sheep in Hyde Park. George Donald travelled down each year from Aberdeen together...
Peter Berthoud
Jan 30, 2018
1930s Advertising in Holborn
A selection of adverts from The Official Guide to Holborn 3re 1931 (published by J. Burrow & Co, Cheltenham). I enjoy the insights these...
Peter Berthoud
Jan 27, 2018
Time Out London will be 50 this August
Time Out reaches its Golden Jubilee on 12th August 2018. On this day back in 1968 the first edition was published in London. A radical...
Peter Berthoud
Mar 8, 2016
The Ugliest Statue in London?
Well, according to George Bernard Shaw, the famous “Wedding Cake” statue, part of the memorial to Queen Victoria, would be a contender....
Peter Berthoud
Mar 26, 2015
Save the Porters Rest on Piccadilly
In 1861 this curious piece of street furniture was installed on Piccadilly. It stood there for over a hundred and fifty years. In the...
Peter Berthoud
Mar 13, 2014
America in London - Top Six Sights in the 1950s
In the early 1950s Charles Skilton issued a set of six postcards entitled "America in London" promising them to be "Of interest to all...
Peter Berthoud
Mar 6, 2014
When Madame Tussaud's Tested A Commando
In 1947, 110 would be Royal Marine Commandos embarked upon a nationwide, five-day long, “personal initiative” test. Taking the initiative...
Peter Berthoud
Feb 20, 2014
A Love Letter from Edwardian London in 36 Views
On November 18th 1904 Miss Gwen James of Glamorganshire received an unusually large quantity of post. Through her door at 22, Regent...
Peter Berthoud
Feb 6, 2014
When Soho Local Post Issued Its Own Stamps
In 1971 the first national postal strike took place in the UK. In those days the Post Office had an absolute monopoly on the delivery of...
Peter Berthoud
Feb 5, 2014
This is London: A World War II Souvenir That Wasn't For The Locals
In 1944 the British Council produced a souvenir photography book solely for overseas forces stationed in the UK - This is London. The 40...
Peter Berthoud
Dec 16, 2013
A Forgotten Invention: World’s First Security Camera, London 1933
In 1933 Mr Norbury, an amateur photographer and chicken keeper, invented the world’s first security camera in London. His invention was...
Peter Berthoud
May 13, 2013
Forgotten Images of Tower Bridge as it Might Have Been
Tower Bridge was designed to reconcile the conflicting interests of road and river traffic at a time when London was the world's most...
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